Episode 559: What's up with the economy?

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2022

It’s been awhile since I’ve recorded a new episode, but I’m back with the first of an important mini-series, Financial Fridays, with my good friend and financial mentor, Mel Abraham. Today we’re talking about the current economic landscape we find ourselves in, what it all means, and what lies ahead for us as entrepreneurs. You won’t want to miss the upcoming episodes, where we look at the opportunities that exist right now, how to navigate these times strategically, and so much more!

If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag us, @jameswedmore and @melabraham9.

Having Mel as one of my closest friends has absolutely changed my life because of what he has personally shared with me about simple wealth principles that can change everything…and now it’s your turn! If you’re an entrepreneur looking for more freedom, then you absolutely need to attend Mel’s free once-a-year training that is happening right now, so head on over to www.jameswedmore.com/mel to get registered, and below are some details to give you an idea of some of the key dates and incredible value you will get from Mel’s training: 

August 31, 2023 - The Affluent Entrepreneur LIVE - Training #1 - THE AFFLUENCE JOURNEY.

This first training makes the case for building a MONEY MACHINE and the things that hold you back. You will walk away understanding the 4 stages of the Affluence Journey, where you fit in the journey as well as what it takes to move to the 4th stage of AFFLUENCE. You will also understand and work through the 4 types of money stories and scripts that have limited your wealth and how to conquer them. And with the money stories conquered we will give them the 3 pillars that all AFFLUENT ENTREPRENEURS have in place to give you a RICHER LIFESTYLE, DEEPER IMPACT and COMPLETE FREEDOM.


Now that they have a foundation for becoming an AFFLUENT ENTREPRENEUR, in this session, they will understand the 5 core wealth principles that are universal patterns of behavior that will drive their wealth and financial independence. You’ll understand the FIVE INCOMES that are used to create financial freedom. You’ll set your lifestyle wealth target so you know what your ultimate goal is. With this you can set the right plan and strategy to get you there.

September 7, 2023 - The Affluent Entrepreneur LIVE - Training #3 - THE 9 ACCELERATORS OF THE AFFLUENCE BLUEPRINT.

In this session, you’ll go deeper into THE AFFLUENCE BLUEPRINT™ process by understanding the 9 ACCELERATORS OF THE AFFLUENCE BLUEPRINT and know exactly where you are on each accelerator so you know specifically where you need to work to move you forward. You’ll understand the ONE big mistake that most people and especially TREADMILL ENTREPRENEURS make that puts their whole financial existence at risk. Then you’ll understand the 4 journeys you can be on financially and the path to define your journey on your own terms.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • A picture of the current economic landscape we find ourselves in 
  • The big choice that we all have as entrepreneurs right now when it comes to a recession and the state of the economy 
  • How financial literacy is a skill that we can all learn 
  • Why right now especially feels like a different time, and the way you can ensure you take the lessons and benefit from it 
  • What happens when you make financial decisions based on your emotions



Register for Mel’s Live Training Workshop, The Affluent Entrepreneur Experience

Tune Into All The Financial Friday Episodes with Mel!

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